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2013:全球汽车界这一年的大事件_pg电子娱乐平台赏金女王发布日期:2024-11-18 浏览次数:
本文摘要:Christmas arrived on schedule for the U.S. auto industry as a spurt of sales put the wrapping on a surprisingly successful year. Analysts predicted that sales in December could hit a seasonally-adjusted rate of 17 million, which would be the first month at that rate in nearly six years. That would push 2013 sales up to a robust 15.7 million units.2013年的圣诞节如期而至。

Christmas arrived on schedule for the U.S. auto industry as a spurt of sales put the wrapping on a surprisingly successful year. Analysts predicted that sales in December could hit a seasonally-adjusted rate of 17 million, which would be the first month at that rate in nearly six years. That would push 2013 sales up to a robust 15.7 million units.2013年的圣诞节如期而至。对美国汽车工业来说,年底激增的销量为十分顺利的2013年画上了句号。


Welcome as they were, surging sales werent the biggest news of the year. Detroit celebrated when General Motors (GM, Fortune 500) made Mary Barra the auto industrys first female CEO, then held its breath while Ford (F, Fortune 500) CEO Alan Mulally dithered over a move to Seattle and Microsoft. The old Big Three, complaining about straining available production capacity, made plans to expand and hire. Tesla(TSLA) fired up electric car sales and refused to play by industrys rules, while Google(GOOG, Fortune 500) pioneered a car that drives itself.尽管销量大幅度快速增长让人喜悦欣喜,但它并不是汽车业今年最根本性的新闻。底特律趁此机会因为通用汽车公司(General Motors)拔擢玛丽芭拉兼任汽车业首位女性首席执行官而欢欣鼓舞;紧接着,福特汽车(Ford)首席执行官艾伦穆拉利在重返波音公司还是重新加入微软公司(Microsoft)两者间犹豫不决之际,它又紧绷得大气都不肯痛。传统的三巨头责怪现有生产能力已挖出到无限大,开始制定扩展和聘请新人的计划。

特斯拉公司(Tesla)让电动汽车的销量火了一把,而且不愿按行规ATENU;而同时谷歌公司(Google)则在自动汽车研制上一马当先。There were reversals too. Sales of electric vehicles suffered as gas prices leveled off and then fell. Suzuki wound down its presence in the U.S. market, and Volvo looked none too healthy. Sales in China -- now the worlds largest auto market -- slowed, and Europe remained deep in a slump, its fundamental overcapacity problems unsolved.当然,也有一些不那么悲观的消息。


Here are some of the years pinnacles and potholes:下面就是今年汽车业所经历的高峰和低谷:Busting through the glass ceiling顺利突破玻璃天花板In being named CEO, Mary Barra broke through several historical barriers in moving from GMs third-most powerful executive position to its first. Her job was made both easier by the appointment of a non-executive chairman to handle the board of directors, and more difficult by the decision to give her old job to one of her rivals. As the first product engineer to head the company in two decades, she will be deluged with suggestions about everything from air conditioning vents in new pickups to the future of brands like Buick and Chevrolet.玛丽芭拉从通用汽车的第三把交椅升到第一把交椅,取得首席执行官奖提名,这一路上她突破了好几个历史性障碍。一方面,通过任命一位非执行主席掌理董事会,她能更容易关上工作局面;但另一方面,由于一位输掉接掌了她以前的职责,她现在的工作又显得更加棘手了。


Most popular vehicle最畅销车型Fords F-series pickup, the reigning champion for the last quarter-century, held off a strong challenge from Chevrolets redesigned Silverado to remain the nations No. 1 selling vehicle. The race to become the best-selling car, an all-Japanese final, belonged again to the Toyota (TM) Camry, which beat out the Honda (HMC) Accord.作为过去二十五年来的常胜将军、福特的F系列皮卡仍然顺利地抵御寄居了雪佛兰新的设计的西尔维拉多(Silverado)的挑战,盘据着美国最畅销皮卡的宝座。而全是日本品牌竞逐的最畅销汽车决赛,丰田(Toyota)凯美瑞(Camry)再度顺利打败本田(Honda)雅阁(Accord),勇夺冠军头衔。

